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                                                             DONT STOP NOW!!!!! 

Your Fit Journey has just begun!! Just like life, fitness is not a destination, it is a journey. It is A WAY OF LIFE. We are very excited to have been part of your journey. If you can think of any other way we can assist you in "staying the course" please complete the form below and we will contact you promptly. 

Now that you have completed your pre-training tasks (or have put in your current location in continuing with our gps metaphor) please click on the exercise icon below to gain access to your first months exercise program calendar. In this calendar you will find  links providing: 
-Exercise Protocol with video links demonstrating how to perform each exercise.
-Weekly Food Journal 
-Behavior Modification Activities
-Weekly Self Reflection Log

Phase Two: Strength Training 

Pre-Training Tasks To Be Completed 

Now that you have completed another monthly goals and accomplishments review please click on the exercise icon below to gain access to your third months exercise program calendar. 

Now that you have completed your monthly goals and accomplishments review please click on the exercise icon below to gain access to your second months exercise program calendar. 

Monthly Goals and Review

My clients and I find it very helpful to “stay the course” by taking a few minutes to review goals and accomplishments after completing each monthly calendars activities. Keeping our goals and accomplishments fresh in our minds helps with positive reinforcement. Thus assisting with long-term success. Click on the goals icon below for your “Pre-Training Tasks To Be Completed” options. Please keep in mind you do not have to complete all of these activities again. Just zero in on one or two measurements (weight, body fat, blood pressure, etc.) as well as a review of the goals you have written in your SMART Chart. 

Phase One: Stabilization Training 

​​           Great JOB!!!! You have arrived at your FIRST fitness journey destination!!

We hope you have enjoyed your fitness journey so far!!! Click on the "Destination" gps icon below for your Post-Exercise Tasks To Be Completed. 


Phase Three: Power Training 

                                             Welcome to MY Fit Journey!!

We have worked quite extensively creating this page to assist you in not only reaching your health, fitness, and performance goals but to help stay on track once you have reached your goals. In sticking with the “journey” aspect of this page we have broken your fitness program into various “locations” one might encounter on their GPS System during their fitness travels. Starting first with your current location…..


​​           The Only Way To Reach Your Destination Is To Know Your Current Location  

     I think its safe to say that most of us in todays technologically advanced world use a GPS system. You may have noticed that before you type in your destination your GPS has to know your current location. The only way your GPS can map out directions on how to get where you are going is to first know where you are starting. 

     So how do we integrate this thought process into achieving your health, fitness, and performance goals? By first performing your Pre-Training Tasks To Be Completed. Continuing with our GPS metaphor we can set your goals as your destination and your pre-training assessment results as your current location. Just click on the "Start Here" gps icon below to get started.

Phase two is done!! Great job!! Lets keep this journey going strong by taking a few moments to do another monthly goals and accomplishments review.  Again, you do not have to complete all of these activities. Just zero in on one or two measurements (weight, body fat, blood pressure, etc.) as well as a review of the goals you have written in your SMART Chart. 

Monthly Goals and Review

Post-Training Tasks To Be Completed